Sunday, February 8, 2015


There's no more left...
I've packed up the ideology of a you and me 
I sent it fed-ex with a false address 
So that it never returns with a sign please and would you accept 
Nope I'm good trust me I have rested those thoughts
I've been single with no commitment for six years and I didn't stop progressing
Hell naw I'll never scuffle over my transgressions 
I merely added them to the "He Just Ain't It" Box and learned countless lessons ... 
But that shit got heavy with broken promises and empty hearts...
I finally did it I taped that bad boy up and I mailed that sucker off...  

#StrongerAndWiser #OwlThinkAboutit #Nah #OriginalPoetry #SingleAndHappy #Randomthoughts 

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