Sunday, February 8, 2015

She Is Me...

She hid her gapped teeth. 

By not smiling...

She hid her skinny waist...

By adding 2 pair of paints on under her Levi jeans...

She hid her height an inch or two...

By walking with her shoulders rolled forward slouching her posture...

She disguised her small chest...

By stressing and stuffing her bra...

She picked at her acne and damaged her face...

No remedy was in place to heal this little girls empty space of her physical disgrace...

Tarnished and sedated with lies of what is beauty and how to survive as a black woman was never taught to her in her studies

No help from her mother who cries from her own corroded obscurity of the ideal of inner beauty...

Little black girl I notice you're dwindling down from this generational curse of not loving the core of yourself ... 

Wipe those tears baby and dream of looking out the eyes of a woman that's proud of her gapped teeth, skinny waist and big feet...

Do you feel that warmth that surrounds your smile? That's love baby girl.... 

See that gap makes you special because it's a sign of royalty and the blemishes on your skin will be gone one day and your skin will glow like the sun...

And your height will allow you to model and strut your elongated self gracefully down any runway....

Baby girl you're special, priceless and unique.... I love who you're going to become because your future is a direct reflection of me....

I will always love you Andrea, and that's a promise that I'll always keep!!!!!


There's no more left...
I've packed up the ideology of a you and me 
I sent it fed-ex with a false address 
So that it never returns with a sign please and would you accept 
Nope I'm good trust me I have rested those thoughts
I've been single with no commitment for six years and I didn't stop progressing
Hell naw I'll never scuffle over my transgressions 
I merely added them to the "He Just Ain't It" Box and learned countless lessons ... 
But that shit got heavy with broken promises and empty hearts...
I finally did it I taped that bad boy up and I mailed that sucker off...  

#StrongerAndWiser #OwlThinkAboutit #Nah #OriginalPoetry #SingleAndHappy #Randomthoughts 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

She Is Me

She hid her gapped teeth. 

By not smiling...

She hid her skinny waist...

By adding 2 pair of paints on under her Levi jeans...

She hid her height an inch or two...

By walking with her shoulders rolled forward slouching her posture...

She disguised her small chest...

By stressing and stuffing her bra...

She picked at her acne and damaged her face...

No remedy was in place to heal this little girls empty space of her physical disgrace...

Tarnished and sedated with lies of what is beauty and how to survive as a black woman was never taught to her in her studies

No help from her mother who cries from her own corroded obscurity of the ideal of inner beauty...

Little black girl I notice your dwindling down from this generational curse of not loving the core of yourself ... 

Wipe those tears baby and dream of looking out the eyes of a woman that's proud of her gapped teeth, skinny waist and big feet...

Do you feel that warmth that surrounds your smile? That's love baby girl.... 

See that gap makes you special because it's a sign of royalty and the blemishes on your skin will be gone one day and your skin will glow like the sun...

And your height will allow you to model and strut your elongated self gracefully down any runway....

Baby girl you're special, priceless and unique.... I love who you're going to become because your future is a direct reflection of me....

I will always love you Andrea, and that's a promise that I'll always keep!!!!!